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As a family of God’s children and disciples of Jesus Christ, we meet during the week, in one another’s homes and at Crossword Church (Hole in the Wall Office Park, 93 Main Rd), to enjoy and encourage our being in Christ and expressing the good news of Jesus in our daily lives. On Sunday mornings we gather as a family at Hole in the Wall to celebrate our unity in Christ Jesus.


We are part of the wider family of the Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church in South Africa and adhere to the following:


  • The authority of the bible as the word of God in all matters of faith

  • The fallenness and helplessness of sinful man

  • The necessity and sufficiency of the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ

  • The necessity of the new birth through the power of the Holy Spirit

  • The requirement to trust and obey all that Jesus commanded in the power of the Holy Spirit so that we may become like Him as we endeavour to share His plan for the whole of creation


God’s grace in Christ Jesus became clear to me through the preaching of His Word. What was a bit odd..

God’s grace in Christ Jesus became clear to me through the preaching of His Word. What was a bit odd about this was the fact that I was the preacher! I was told by my  commanding officer in the Marines to preach on Sundays. This forced me to go and read the bible out of fear of looking like a fool on Sundays. Through this investigation, I discovered that I was not a Christian. I always thought that admitting that you have done wrong is what being a Christian is all about, but then discovered God’s grace in Christ for me. Although I am a worse rebel and sinner than I think I am, in Christ I am more forgiven, loved and accepted than I can dream or imagine. It’s this grace that compels me to keep studying His Word and to share it with others that they may also come to know and trust Him.

Ludwig Alberts

(Minister in Charge)



For many years I thought that my belief and faith in Jesus Christ was based upon...

For many years I thought that my belief and faith in Jesus Christ was based upon the home I grew up in and the amount I prayed and read my Bible, but over time I began to realise more and more that it is not about the quantity of my doing but the quality of my broken and corrupt heart desperately seeking a saviour. I came to a point in my early twenties when I saw more clearly that I was pursuing an idea of Jesus rather than the person of Jesus. Over the years, since the reality of Jesus began to take root, I have found that I need to continue to seek him and replace the idols of my heart with Him instead. 

Sean Norman




For me the definition of being a Christian has changed, the type of home that I came from or the prayer of commitment to God when I was 12 doesn't make me a Christian, but the freedom I have to wake up every morning and recognise that my future is secure in Christ Jesus, and today I am free to live for him wholeheartedly.

Growing up in a non-Christian home in England I had developed the notion of a distant, remote, uncaring God, if I thought of Him at all. However, in my late twenties, married with twin boys and living in South Africa, I discovered through a business colleague of my husband that my Creator actually cares so deeply for us that He came to live amongst us to show us what He is really like. In fact so deep is His love for us that Jesus willingly embraced a cruel death to clear the impossible debt I owed so that this rebellious, wandering soul might come to know this Risen Sovereign Lord and Saviour intimately and thereby experience His inexhaustible love, goodness, kindness and mercy for myself.

As the hymn writer says “through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come” and in the process I have received healing of past traumas and deliverance from many self-imposed shackles.  His gracious forgiveness of my daily failures, gentle correction of old distorted perspectives and strength to learn new habits all increase my joy and peace in knowing, trusting and following Him daily. So I too can, do and will “sing of the goodness” (patience, kindness, gentleness and faithfulness) “of God”!

After a non-Christian upbringing in the UK, I arrived in South Africa, marrying soon after, and being blessed with the gift of our twin boys. However, despite having an almost idyllic life I began to believe that there had to be something more to life and began searching in a church and attempting to read The book of Revelation to find the answer. After a year or so of my searching a cosmetic representative witnessed to my husband at his work and he also sent me a tract to read until he could speak to me personally. Through this tract, the Lord convinced me that I was a rebel, trying to live life on my own terms with my own resources. He also showed me that Jesus had stepped in to put me right with Himself so that I could know him personally. 

Jackie Kelly

(Administrative Secretary)


That was the beginning of my coming into a personal relationship with Himself and experiencing Him as Father. Since then I have been discovering an ever-deepening sense of the relentless love of Jesus Christ.

My parents led me to the Lord by the age of 7. They instructed and guided...

My parents led me to the Lord by the age of 7. They instructed and guided me over the years to truly and wholeheartedly believe that Jesus Christ is the absolute Lord of my life. I have learned to trust in Him in all that I have, do and think. (Even though I fail in always achieving this, I do not fail in trusting Him.) I have walked with the Lord for 30 years. It has and continues to be a fantastic life led by Him. May our Awesome God continue to pour His mighty grace into our lives.

Shaun Kelly

(Council Member – Treasurer)


I was blessed to grow up in a family where Christian values were respected, although the assumption was...

I was blessed to grow up in a family where Christian values were respected, although the assumption was that we were, therefore, all Christians. It wasn’t until I was a young adult that I came to realize that I had to make a decision for myself and choose Jesus as my Lord and put him above all others. Through different circumstances and seasons of life, knowing of his love and care for me has been the one factor that is unchanging and doesn’t disappoint, and I have been so grateful to be part of his family, and to have had the opportunities for fellowship, growth, and challenge that being around his people affords me.

My daily challenge now is to see everything through the lens of the gospel and to try to understand how that is able to modify my choices to better reflect the nature of our wonderful God to the world.

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Kathy Harris

(Council Member )

As a young adult, I considered myself a Christian, because...

As a young adult, I considered myself a Christian, because at the age of 12 I gave my life to Jesus. During my young adult life, I chose to ignore His grace – and lived life my way. (I still called myself a Christian because I confessed my sin and read the Bible). At the age of 32, my life was as good as it gets and personally, I was in a ‘happy, busy space’ so to speak but somehow something was missing. During this stage, two things happened that challenged me to rethink my life. A friend confronted me with the reality of the Person of Jesus and I started reading an english Bible. For some reason it was as if I read it for the first time and slowly ‘line upon line – here a little, there a little’ I realised my actual situation – a lost sinner, accusing God of all the bad.


When the ‘missing something’ came into my life it turned out to be a missing Somebody – by grace, through faith, God gave me His Spirit. Now 20 years later, the Bible, that living something, reads me as His child.

Coreen Vlok

(Council Member – Women’s Ministry)

I have been fortunate to grow up in a home with parents that...

I have been fortunate to grow up in a home with parents that introduced me to the person of Jesus from an early age. It was however not until my young adult life that I made a personal commitment to give my life to Jesus. Now I guess I make that commitment daily, by his grace, as He changes me to be more like Him. I am truly blessed!

JJ van Zyl

(Council Member – Music Ministry & Facilities)

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