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The Goodness of God

Updated: Oct 30, 2021

Listening this morning to this beautiful song from Audrey Assad reminded me once again where true contentment, joy and shalom are found as we get to begin each day experiencing God's goodness afresh and having 'no want'......

"I shall not want"

From the love of my own comfort

From the fear of having nothing

From a life of worldly passions

Deliver me O God

From the need to be understood

And from a need to be accepted

From the fear of being lonely

Deliver me O God

Deliver me O God

And I shall not want,

No I shall not want,

When I taste your goodness,

I shall not want.

When I taste your goodness

I shall not want.

From the fear of serving others

Oh, and from the fear of death or trial

And from the fear of humility

Deliver me O God

Yes, deliver me O God

And I shall not want,

No I shall not want,

When I taste your goodness,

I shall not want.

When I taste your goodness

I shall not want.

When I taste your goodness

I shall not want

I shall not want."

The Psalmist exhorted all who read or listen to his song 'Psalm 34' to

"Taste and see

that the LORD is good".

And through and in our precious Lord Jesus any and all of us may continually do so.

And as we do we enjoy the rest and contentment in Him that renders all such fears and desires, devoid of any power to hold or control us. What freedom, what joy, what blessing........

Hope you are encouraged by this song written and performed by Audrey Assad

and this one sung by Ce Ce Winans (written by Bethel music)

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